Germination time: 7-10 days
Time to start flowering and fruiting: 55-65 days after sowing
Harvest time: 100-110 days
Plant height: 45-50 cm
Planting season: All year round, but planting winter-spring crops will give high yields and less pests than other seasons.
    Seed tray or small pot with a diameter of 3-5 cm
    Pot with minimum diameter of 20 cm, height 20-25 cm
    Soil for sowing: A thin layer of soil about 2-3 cm, a soil mixture consisting of 2/3 rotted humus soil and 1/3 rich organic soil.
    Soil: You can buy clean soil to plant or you can prepare the soil by mixing decayed manure (about 40%), coconut fiber, rice husk ash (about 60%) and priming with mineral or organic fertilizers microorganism.
    Seeds can be sown directly without soaking or soaking in warm water (2 boiling 3 cold) for 3-4 hours, then picked out, washed, incubated in a damp towel for 4-5 days, cracked seeds, then put in the nursery. for best germination results.
    Each hole or nursery should only sow 1 seed, gently press the seeds into the ground 0.5-1 cm, cover with a thin layer of soil, put the nursery in a place with light light and water to keep moisture daily in the early morning and evening. .
    When the tree is 7-10 cm tall, it can be planted in a fixed pot. Plants should be placed in a place with light to avoid harsh sunlight because the resistance of seedlings is still weak.
    Once the plant has taken root, the pot can be moved to a sunny spot.
    In the early morning and evening, water the plants. You should only use a small watering can, water gently, with a moderate amount of water.
    After planting for 15-20 days, add Good life microbial chicken manure or Trichoderma + TE organic buffalo manure for plants periodically every 10-15 days (or can dilute NPK fertilizer at the rate of 0.5% Water the plants once a week, after fertilizing need to be watered again with clean water to avoid excess fertilizer will kill the plant).
    Chili is a plant with high nutritional needs and needs to be complete and balanced with macronutrients (NPK), medium CaO, MgO, S, Si and trace elements Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, B.
    Thus, when growing chili peppers, it is necessary to choose fertilizers that are full of multi-, medium-, and micro-nutrient components and must be balanced in terms of nutrition for new chili plants to grow, develop well, and limit pests. damage and produce high quality fruit.

    Nhổ cỏ dại tránh cạnh tranh dinh dưỡng, xới đất quanh gốc giúp cây phát triển tốt hơn.

During the flowering stage (about 45 days after sowing), add a little organic fertilizer and micro-mineral buffalo manure to the root to stimulate flowering and fruiting.
In case the tree flowers a lot but does not bear fruit, it is possible to use growth stimulants to support flowering and fruiting simultaneously.
After about 3 months of planting, you will have a pepper tree full of fruit, both looking at it and picking it up on a pole to eat with beef, isn’t it great?
Good luck with your little garden!

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